About Jack


Under the button ‘ about us ‘, you can read more about me and Laetitia. We can offer you a workshop package containing , nutrition (Laetitia), and energy work/painting (Jack). In the future we are also going to create weekend- and week programs located at our beautiful place in Wedde, Groningen.

In 2013 I started making energy chalk drawings, which I photographed. I like working with energies.

At a certain point, I started painting the energies.  This made the paintings even more intense and gave me extra boost by starting to work with those paintings. As a result of this, the Core Energy paintings started to happen.

During a that progress  I paint on a canvas measuring 30 x 30 cm a pencil sketch of the energy forms, which I feel through of you. I’ll paint the core energy and you then finish the painting according to your own feeling. This can be a deep experience.